Tool for fitting background noise of a flow cytometer

Fitting results:

Steps taken

  1. Determine approximate mean, height, and standard deviation
  2. Fit Gaussian function with approximate values as starting point
  3. Determine mean and standard deviation based on fit
  4. Calculate LoD: mean + 4*std
- pandas - scipy - numpy - matplotlib - flowio import asyncio from js import document, Uint8Array from pyodide import create_proxy import io import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import flowio def gaussian(x, amplitude, mean, stddev): return amplitude * np.exp(-(x - mean)**2 / (2 * stddev**2)) def fit(noise, factor=1): bins_noise = noise.max() - noise.min() bins, bin_edges = np.histogram(noise, bins=int(bins_noise / factor)) initial_amplitude = np.max(bins) initial_std = np.std(noise) initial_mean = np.mean(noise) initial_guess = [initial_amplitude, initial_mean, initial_std] params, covariance = curve_fit(gaussian, bin_edges[:-1], bins, p0=initial_guess) amplitude_fit, mean_fit, stddev_fit = params return bins, bin_edges, amplitude_fit, mean_fit, stddev_fit async def process_file(event=None): global events # Declare events as a global variable to be accessible in both functions fileList = document.getElementById("myfile").files.to_py() if not fileList: return bins_noise_factor = int(document.getElementById("bins_noise_input").value) for f in fileList: try: array_buf = await f.arrayBuffer() file_bytes = file_content = io.BytesIO(file_bytes) flow_data = flowio.FlowData(file_content, ignore_offset_error=True) # Display FCS header # document.getElementById("fcs_header").innerHTML = f"FCS Header: {flow_data.channels}" # Get list of channels channels = flow_data.channels channel_select = document.getElementById("channel_select") channel_select.innerHTML = "" # Clear existing options for channel_number, channel_name in channels.items(): option = document.createElement("option") option.value = str(int(channel_number) - 1) option.text = channel_name['PnN'] channel_select.appendChild(option) events = np.reshape(, (-1, flow_data.channel_count)) # Add event listener for channel selection channel_select.addEventListener("change", create_proxy(lambda e: analyze_channel(int(, bins_noise_factor))) # Add event listener for bins noise factor bins_input = document.getElementById("bins_noise_input") bins_input.addEventListener("input", create_proxy(lambda e: analyze_channel(int(document.getElementById("channel_select").value), int( except Exception as e: document.getElementById("fcs_header").innerHTML = f"Error: {e}" def analyze_channel(channel_index, bins_noise_factor): try: if 'events' not in globals(): document.getElementById("print_output").innerHTML = "No FCS file loaded." return data = events[:, channel_index] # Filter data noise = data[(data > 1) & (data < 100000)] # Fit Gaussian bins, bin_edges, amplitude_fit, mean_fit, stddev_fit = fit(noise, factor=bins_noise_factor) y_fit = gaussian(bin_edges[:-1], amplitude_fit, mean_fit, stddev_fit) lod = mean_fit + (4 * stddev_fit) document.getElementById("mean").innerHTML = f"mean (a.u.): {mean_fit}" document.getElementById("std").innerHTML = f"std (a.u.): {stddev_fit}" document.getElementById("lod").innerHTML = f"LOD (a.u.): {lod}" plt.figure() plt.xlabel(f"Channel (a.u.)") plt.ylabel('Counts') plt.xlim(np.min(noise), mean_fit + (10 * stddev_fit)) plt.plot(bin_edges[:-1], bins, label='Data') plt.plot(bin_edges[:-1], y_fit, label='Gaussian fit') plt.axvline(lod, c='red', linestyle='--', label='lod') plt.legend() from pyodide.http import pyfetch import js from io import BytesIO import base64 buf = BytesIO() plt.savefig(buf, format='png') plt.close() img_str = base64.b64encode("utf-8") img_element = document.createElement("img") img_element.src = "data:image/png;base64," + img_str document.getElementById("graph-area").innerHTML = "" document.getElementById("graph-area").appendChild(img_element) except Exception as e: document.getElementById("print_output").innerHTML = f"Error: {e}" def main(): file_event = create_proxy(process_file) e = document.getElementById("myfile") e.addEventListener("change", file_event, False) main()